Consulting Process begins with understanding the pain experienced from waste water costs for an industrial site.
Regional and urban water authorities have little empathy and or understanding of the operating costs pressures of industrial processes involving manufacturing.
Marvic Chemicals offer at no charge an environmental waste water Audit which results with a plan forward to deal with waste water charges now and in the future.
The design of any waste water treatment plant starts with the chemistry of you waste water. After optimum chemistry is selected samples are sent for analysis and the resultant chemically treated waste water charges are then calculated. Typically 70% of waste water charges are attributed to suspended solids and BOD5 concentrations.
Marvic Chemicals then design a waste water treatment plant around this optimum chemistry
Waste water treatment Plant Design.
Marvic Chemicals based on the optimum chemical treatment program as part of the consulting process then design a waste water treatment plant.
The plant is designed and costed with operating and capital cost included.
A projected Return On Investment calculation is then calculated, with a number of relevant options included.
The consulting process is then summarized and reported. The overriding focus of the exercise is to plan a path forward to a sustainable costs structure for waste water discharge. The sustainability of investment includes future waste water discharges increases and compliance limits.